V8 chainsaw an Aussie ripper
An Aussie brought a V8 to Fieldays and the crowds lapped it up.
An Australian man is impressed by the reception from Kiwis for his unique invention.
David Burder sourced a V8 engine from a 1979 Holden commodore and used it to create the first single-man V8 chainsaw, which is on display at Fieldays.

“[I’ve] had it at quite a few Australian Fieldays, just like this, but I must say, in New Zealand, it’s gone off like a rocket,” he said.
On Thursday their YouTube video clip got 5000 hits, and overall has almost 1.5 million.
Back in Australia they did not receive the same attention, especially from media.
“It’s been a bit quieter over there,” Burder said.
Quiet is not a word used to describe this piece of machinery in action, which is not used commercially, and took 18 months to build.
Burder said a normal chainsaw you can take in the bush and use wherever, but his V8 chainsaw is only good for doing demonstrations like this.
“It’s purely just for fun, and saying for fun, it’s got to make a lot of noise, and a lot of sawdust. That’s what fun is.
“I built it because I could. I didn’t think anything was going to become of it, but it went viral on YouTube.
“It appeals to people’s sense of ridiculousness,” Burder said.
The V8 chainsaw has acted as great exposure for his worldwide business Super Axe which makes firewood equipment.