Matariki Wearable Arts returns to Wintec campus
The Atrium in Wintec House will host this year’s Matariki Wearable Arts competition for the first time.
Wintec is continuing in a popular tradition of celebrating Matariki, the Maori New Year.
Wintec will host a memorial service, He Hokinga Mahara and a breakfast and karakia He Karanga Tau Hou.

The grand event is the Matariki Wearable Arts which is back at Wintec after five years off campus.
The event will be held in the Atrium in Wintec House on Thursday June 23 starting at 6pm.
Te Kete Konae’s manager Korikori Hawkins is taking on the challenge of the Matariki events for her second year .
“The community has been very generous, we had the show at Founders and at the Art Museum. They’re [the Art Museum] disappointed they are not having it this year, but now we have the Atrium. We’re very excited that it’s come home.”
The Wearable Arts competition originated from the harakeke (weaving) course at Wintec which was an opportunity for those students to showcase their creations.
There has also been interest across the community including local weavers and art makers as well as Wintec students and members of the public.
Wintec staff member Jan Liddell is one of the participants in the event this year and she has given herself an entire year to think of inspiration for her outfits.
One of Mrs Liddell’s models, nine-year-old Amelia, was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and for Mrs Liddell and her family, Matariki is a celebration of life and a new year.
Three outfits are being worked on for Amelia, all to do with using recyclable materials including corrugated cardboard, rubber slip mats and netting, and one will be picked for the final choice.
Sinaed aged eight, is Amelia’s sister and also bone marrow donor. Her outfit creation is around milk bottle tops donated from a friend Thomas who began collecting last year.
“Her title for her outfit is the milky way,” Mrs Liddell said.
“Milk is nourishment and food. It gives life and it’s about giving life to her sister as well.”
The School of Hair and Beauty are on board this year and will be taking care of the models for the show.
“This is also an opportunity for those students to show their talents as well. It’s a positive bonus for Wintec as well being able to show their courses they provide,” Mrs Hawkins said.
The month of June is a time Maori reflect on significant events that have occurred since last Matariki and acknowledge and pay tribute to those who have passed on during the year.
A sense of closure is upheld but it is also a time for celebrations.
Entry donation for the show is a non-perishable food item which will be donated back to the student sssociation, Sawit.
“It’s all about giving and receiving and looking out for each other. I’m confident the show will be a huge success as it has been every year,” Mrs Hawkins said.
Matariki Wearable Arts competition:
To enter, participants need to return the registration form with a photograph by midday Friday, June 10.
For more information contact