Pechakucha to entertain Wintec Atrium house
Hamilton Pechakucha is celebrating its fake 10th birthday this evening (Wednesday) with cake, champers and people talking about “space slash sci-fi slash solar system slash environmental” themes.
Hamilton Pechakucha is celebrating its fake 10th birthday this evening (Wednesday) with cake, champers and people talking about “space slash sci-fi slash solar system slash environmental” themes.
After dismal weather marred an earlier evening of “thinking and drinking” at Hamilton Gardens in March, Hamilton Pechakucha Trust member Kat Cox promises tonight’s lineup of “chit chat” folk will be a combination of fun and serious.

“People love it, it’s a format that is entertaining.I don’t come from any particular background, so I’m interested in a range of art forms and personalities,” Miss Cox said.
“The lineup is strong. We have David Lloyd, who started David’s Emporium, and was part of the crew who went out to the Amazon to install a tribute to Sir Peter Blake. He is going to be talking about that.”
When asked how the trust comes up with their speakers for each pechakucha volume, Miss Cox said they try to fit the personality with theme.
“If we have a theme, we headhunt people. We knew we wanted Ross McLeod, he is a big sci-fi film buff. There is a bit of quality control, we’ve got to make sure they have something to share. You either get headhunted or you approach us,” Miss Cox said.
“I’m looking forward to Dean (Ballinger) talking about UFOs in Hamilton, and also Astronomer Dave. Oh and Mark Servian talking again, this time on a fake Mars Landing at the Tongariro Crossing.”
Pechakucha regular Nick Johnson said the Japan-founded conversation concept is great for whetting people’s appetites.
“It’s kinda cool, often the wacky ones [talks] go down well. You get to experience topics you might never hear of. They are either really entertaining , informative or both. And if it’s really bad it only lasts for six minutes anyway,” said Mr Johnson.
In terms of newcomers having a go themselves, both Miss Cox and Mr Johnson commend the relaxed setting pechakucha provides.
“It’s informal, you can have a drink and listen to some interesting people,” said Miss Cox. “One of my favourites was when Ben Thompson, a graphic designer from Australia, did one on his flatmate which was really funny. He talked about how his flatmate would always burn his toast and he would question why his flatmate did this,” she said.
“They [the audience] are ready to be entertained,” said Mr Johnson.
“I think the community feels like its their own pechakucha. They let you know what to expect,” said Miss Cox.
Set to lift off at the Wintec Atrium House, from 6.30pm ,the evening is an ultimate chance to eat [cake], drink, learn, laugh and experience the hosting skills of Richard Swainson.
Pechakucha Volume 10 Speakers:
Nell Nutsford – Artist
Dave Owen – Amateur Astronomer
Dean Ballinger – Enthusiast
Lisa Benson – Artist
Pete Dawson – Voyager
Ross MacLeod – Actor/Playwright
Daniel Taylor – Photographer
Jenny Spark – Artist
Mark Servian – Instigator
David Lloyd – Artist
Mike Williams – Designer