Cornucopia exhibit highlights wasteful society
A pile of rubbish is attracting attention on the Wintec city campus.
A giant horn of plenty filled to spill with detritus found at a local refuse station is startling students on Wintec’s city campus.
The exhibit, entitled Cornucopia, is by local artists Claudia Aalderink and Ulrike Schaefer.

Schaefer points out, “There is waste in there that looks almost brand new that people just throw away.”
Ironically, the work cost nothing to create – apart from time. The sculpture started from a wooden structure – organic twigs and branches of native Corokia are wound around and shaped into a horn.
Cornucopia, so large that it had to be delivered on a truck and have four people lift it, will be on display until Thursday.
After that, its future is uncertain but it will be recycled.
There is interest from Waikato Musuem, Te Whare Taonga O Waikato, and if not presented as a whole, different scuptures can be made of the contents.
Whatever the future of Cornucopia, Aalderink and Schaefer are keen to see Wintec Campus used further for installation art.