Shihad front man mentors Hauraki Plains College
Shihad front man Jon Toogood visited Hauraki Plains College to do a workshop with some of the music students.
Shihad front man Jon Toogood visited Hauraki Plains College to do a workshop with music students.
The NZ Music Commission has been contracted to run musicians in school mentoring programs since 2001.

Mr Toogood was at HPC on Friday for a full-day of chatting to students.
Ruby Walsh, a HPC Year 12 student and singer, says the experience was inspirational.
“I thought it was so helpful, he has a lot of skill and has written so many songs so it was so good, he helped me finish a song that I had written the night before.”
The college’s music teacher Stu Green broke up the day so each band had a 45-minute session with the rock star.
New Zealand Music Commission, education manager Stephanie Lees says it was quite easy to get Jon to HPC.
“I had Jon in the North he was here for the Silver Scrolls, so I offered the opportunity to teachers on musicnet as I had a spare day for him and Stu applied.”
There were five different groups including four bands and then Ruby went by herself.
Mr Green said it is great to have that kind of talent coming into school.
“What impressed me was he was so willing to share his passion for music and the lifestyle he has gained from it. It was a truly inspiring day for all.”
The bands all had to have one song to play to Jon and then he would break it up, give them feedback on how to structure the song to improve it.
Walsh says she went in and watched a few of the other bands getting mentored.
“He was giving them tips on how he writes his songs and helped them either finish or restructure the songs to make them really effective.”
Lees said from what she had heard from the teachers and Jon everything went extremely well.
The last period of the day was handed over to a Q and A session.
“We just asked a lot of questions about his music and his band Shihad. I asked him what qualities you need to have to be successful in the music industry and he answered work hard and to be highly passionate about what you are doing.”
To end the day Jon Toogood played the students a song of his own.