User friendly garden remodelled for Te Aroha
The Te Aroha Lions club offered their services to remodel an existing town garden creating a user friendly community space.
The Te Aroha Lions Club has remodelled a garden area adjoining the Te Aroha Library creating a location for the benefit of the community.

A partnership between the Lions club, Te Aroha Community Board and Matamata-Piako District Council saw the creation of bark gardens, open grassed areas for public use as well as a few vegetable gardens.
Te Aroha Lions president Roger Hubbard said the idea of the redesign was to make the area user friendly again.The project required the relocation of the existing plants and bark to the

garden areas neighbouring the library.
The installation of timber edging between the proposed 10 metre by 8 metre lawn area and gardens was also required.
“It will be easy for the council to upkeep once they take it over again.
“It was a good project for

the Lions to take part in as the majority of the members aren’t under 40 any more,” he said.
After funding of $600 was approved for the project to cover the basic materials earlier in the year, the next step according to Mr Hubbard was to organise the Lions around the community.
“The idea was to have it completed by the end of October with the Lions hopefully able to tidy the area up over a weekend,” Mr Hubbard said.The garden is now open to members of the Te Aroha community.