Making hay while the sun shines
Parents are finding all sorts of ways to save, and Hamilton Boys’ parents have some innovative ideas.
Parents of Hamilton Boys’ High School are on a budget for this year’s Maadi regatta and have innovative ways of

saving money.
Hay bales were brought in for the school’s supporters and competitors to sit on and enjoy the view.
Frank Healey, a dairy farmer and rowing dad, said a number of hay bales were provided by farmers.
“It’s the novel Waikato way,” he said.
Monica Williams, rowing mum, explained they were on a budget and the hay bales worked well.
“They are comfortable on the hill,” she said.
The hay bales were transferred over from a party with the school they are hosting, Christchurch Boys’ High.
The schools have been hosting each other for five years and are sharing a tent.
One rowing dad has brought in a coffee machine and sells the coffee for a gold coin.
Parents have also saved money by bringing their own lunches.
Rowing is known to be an expensive sport, see related story here, and these parents are trying to save money in other ways.