Organisers plan further punk rock festivals
The Woodcock punk rock festival. held in rural Tauranga was a overwhelming success for organizer Willy Mone

After the success of the punk rock festival Woodcock, the Tauranga organisers have plans for more.
The punk rock festival, whose name is a spin off on the Woodstock festival of the 60s, attracted just over 200 people with bands such as Die Die Die and Hollywoodfundownstairs.
The festival was held on a hectare of land in organiser Willy Mone’s backyard, who after living in the area for two years became fed up with the absence of a punk rock scene. “There’s nothing in Tauranga,” says Willy, “and places such as Crazy Jack’s and Brewers are very reluctant to book punk rock bands.”
While trying to find punk rock bands in the area, Mone came into contact with the creator of Tauranga Music Sux, “Austin”, otherwise known as Scowling Wolf, who books punk rock bands and is trying to create a punk rock scene in Tauranga.
It took two months to book all the bands for the event and set up the staging. The event was meant to capture the attitude of punk rock, the attitude of just getting out there and doing it yourself. Mone meant the festival to be about the music: “It is not a piss festival or a rip off festival.”
People came from the bottom of the North Island to Auckland. “It’s quite surprising how Austin managed to get all these bands out here,” said Mone.
Moneplans to hold the festival again next year, though only with the cooperation of the neighbours. Mone and Austin also have plans to hold a festival in the same location this coming winter.
For more information about Tauranga Music Suxs and upcoming gigs check out