Masterchef judge Josh Emett wows the crowd
Masterchef judge Josh Emett demonstrates quail and snapper cooking in the Kiwi Best Kitchen.
Men and women of all ages crowded around the Kiwi’s Best Kitchen Marquee to see Masterchef
Judge Josh Emett’s cooking demonstrations at Fieldays.
He cooked a quail and snapper dish and made the crowd drool with his ingredients.

“Quail are bloody delicious little birds,” Emett said.
He seasoned the bird with salt and a variety of different herbs.
A tip for people cooking quail or any other bird such as chicken or turkey is to not season it until you
are just about to put it on the pan, or it will start to dry out the meat.
Audience member Sharon McKoy-Thomas said the quail Emett cooked was phenomenal.
“I love quail but it is hard to buy in the market, and I wouldn’t have the heart to shoot one myself,”
said McKoy-Thomas.
Emett said when preparing a dish you think about the end product, and the people who will be
eating it.
“You think about cooking more for ladies than big blokes. When cooking you think about a lady
sitting there her in white dress eating dinner on a special occasion. She will be trying to eat her food
elegantly, so your dish should be easy to eat,” Emett said.
At the end of the demonstration Emett offered members of the audience a chance to try his dishes.
Adele Sowlin said, “The quail was amazing but I probably won’t try cooking it. But I will definitely try
cooking the snapper dish Emett created today.”