Matamata rallies around ladies
The Matamata Swifts ladies football team are holding a garage sale to save money on sports fees.
Sports fees can be expensive, so Matamata Swifts ladies’ football team coach Johno Crook and player Gemma Sliz are holding a garage sale to help players out.
Crook said lots of the ladies team members are quite young and fees can be quite expensive, especially when they are beginner players.
“We don’t want them to miss out just because they can’t afford fees.”

The garage sale will be held on March 9 at 9am at 21 Fitzgerald Ave.
Club members have donated most items for the garage sale, helped by friends and people who have seen advertisements at the local supermarket.
“We are always looking for more items, we will even pick up,” Gemma said.
Anyone with saleable items to donate can contact Gemma on 021 1628079 or check out the Matamata ladies soccer team Facebook page.
Crook, who plays for the Swift’s first men’s football team as goalkeeper, fell into the role of coach for the ladies’ team.
“I am continuing this year so the girls can have the opportunity to play again,” he said.
Last year the team played in the Waikato 2B division but it has not yet been announced what division they will play in this year.
“We are hoping to play at a reasonably similar level,” Crook said.
Crook said women interested in playing for the team are more than welcome.
“Any level is welcome. From someone who has never played football before to those who have played forever,” he said.
Trainings are held at Pohlen Park at 6.30pm on a Wednesday.
The Matamata Swifts Association Football Club (AFC) also offers football for boys and girls aged 5-13, as well as senior men’s teams.
For more information contact the club at