Zinefest showcases the best
Zine makers showcase their craft at Hamilton’s first Zinefest on Saturday.
The very first Hamilton Zinefest is coming to town on Saturday 17 May.
Zinefest will be showcasing some of Australasia’s best fanzines from recent years. Fanzines, or zines, described as “oddball self-published magazines” have become popular over the past few years.

It is an event that brings the community and zinemakers together and helps get the artists’ works on the map.
Zinefest will be hosted by Wintec’s RAMP Gallery, which is also showing an exhibition of Australasian zines and self-publishing called Small Press.
RAMP Gallery manager and co-organiser of the Zinefest, Wendy Richdale, hopes that this will be an opportunity for people to come and see the work these zinemakers have been doing.
They are free, but you can also pay a small donation to take them home.
“The gallery is sort of a life-space where stuff actually happens. It means something to the community,” said Richdale.
“It’s not just pictures on the wall. It’s more about the connections to the community and the social aspect of people looking at these works.”
Zines range from any topic, from trout fishing to popular art culture. They can have up to 30 full-size pages, but the content and size is up to the zinemaker.
The Zinefest includes free workshops and runs from 10am-4pm at Creative Waikato, 131 Alexandra Street.
Richdale hopes it will make people more aware of what is out there.
“It’s all about leaving with smiles on your face, and hopefully zines in your pocket.”