It’s a bromance for the bachelors
The Fieldays Bachelors are becoming fast friends in their search for love.

It’s been four days of intense competition under an unfamiliar media spotlight for Brett Steeghs and the other rural bachelor of the year contenders.
Eight rural bachelors competed in heats throughout the four days, engaging in challenges and countless numbers of “speed dates.”
Steeghs said they were “a really good bunch of boys this year”.
“It’s been pretty full-on, we’re always doing something and we’re always on the go.”
But the best part Steeghs said,was meeting “seven great guys” and making seven new friends.
The 26-year-old dairy farmer grew up on the family farm in Tirau. He currently works on a dairy farm in Hora Hora.
The opportunity to join the competition arose at a young farmers club meeting.
“At first I thought nah but then I went home and thought, bugger it, it’s a great opportunity to get your name out there.
“I’m a firm believer in pushing yourself and getting out there trying new things.”
Becoming a farmer has always been a part of his goals as he pursues his plans for farm ownership within the next 10 years.
“There’s no right or wrong answer with farming, there’s so many possibilities and so many different variables that affect the outcome and there’s always room for improvement so I like that.
“You’re always thinking of ways to improve something and I also like the lifestyle, especially moving forward it’s a great lifestyle for kids to grow up on the farm. I wouldn’t want to grow up anywhere else.”
The bachelor competition receives mass media attention every year and for most of the boys it has been their hardest challenge yet.
“I’m not used to having the camera in my face but it’s been really good to push yourself and get out there and to be fair I’ve probably grown a lot in the last four days as a person.”
As for finding a partner, he hopes to find someone that can “live with a farmer and understand farming. They don’t have to be a farmer.”
The winner will be announced at 12pm today at the Village Green.
“Hopefully I can ride my new quad bike home when I win it,” Steegh said.