Pinkbats paint it pink
What do you get when you give a Hamilton punk band 45 litres of pink paint? A music video by the Pinkbats.

Hamilton band Pinkbats shot their first music video for their track Rockem’ Sock em’ Robots on Sunday and over 45 litres of pink paint was thrown around Hamilton’s Riverbank Mall while the all-female punk band played to a small, enthusiastic audience.
Videographer Ryan Ledger said he has made a few music videos before, but nothing quite like this.
“I thought it would be a cool thing to do,” said Ledger. “I’m always up for new and exciting projects.”
Wintec moving image tutor Joe Citizen captured the whole event and the interactive 360 video will form a part of the Survey Hamilton project which will be on display at the Waikato Museum in August.
“I heard that this event was taking place and was privileged enough to be able to be part of it.”
Citizen said it was a community project made as a collaboration between the Riverbank Mall, the Hamilton Fringe Festival, the Waikato Moving Image Trust and the band Pinkbats.
Pinkbats drummer Priscilla Mcintosh said the shoot was full of energy.
“We made an experimental music video, kind of like an art project, something fun.
“Who doesn’t want to throw paint around?”
Mcintosh said the group are close and like to have fun and make really fast loud music.
“We started as a two-piece, which was Hannah Grocott and myself, and then Chelsee Woollaston joined us as our guitarist.”
While they don’t have any albums out currently, they say they like to play shows.
The video will be on display as part of the survey Hamilton project at the Waikato Museum on August 21 and will run for three months.