“I’m rich! I’m Lego rich!”
There’s more than one way of feeling rich. Lego can do the trick, as young Jayden Campbell discovered Saturday.

Garden Place library transformed Saturday for the Lego city building challenge.
Thousands of pieces of the popular game poured in to the building, as did the eager children ready to construct their own Lego city. Competition rules were designed to encourage players to be creative and use their imaginations.
Winner, Jayden Campbell, 6, exclaimed with his excitement “I’m rich! I’m Lego rich!” after he received his winnings, a Ninja Turtle Lego set.
The Lego and prize were donated by Habitat for Humanity, children and teen’s librarian, Gameedah Jonas, said.
The competition was one of many free activities the library had planned for the Children’s Day Superhero Carnival.
Children were delighted to join in the fun at the popular face painting station. “The library mascot is Honu, which is a turtle so, [kids were] face painted as a turtle” Jonas explained.

The library also provided a Wriggle and Rhyme programme for parents with children aged two and under, where they enjoyed songs. This attracted the attention of the older children, who happily sang along whilst building their Lego creations – like true master builders.
Check out Shontelle’s other article on the Children’s Day Carnival here