Pukete Neighbourhood House team leader hopes to win grand prize
A Pukete Neighbourhood House team leader hopes to win $200,000 for his organisation

A Hamilton community house team leader has joined an Anchor Milk promotion in the hopes of winning the grand prize of $200,000.
Team leader Greg Van de Worp said if he wins the anchor family promotion he will pledge his winnings to the Pukete Neighbourhood House.
Van de Worp is now asking everyone to join his anchor family to boost their chances, as the bigger the family, the greater the chances of winning.
You can join Greg’s anchor family by emailing pukete2@hnpl.net or sending him a private message on the Pukete Neighbourhood House facebook page.
Anchor milk bottles also have unique codes, which you can also donate to Greg’s anchor family. This enables him to add more anchor family members.
The Pukete Neighbourhood House’s services and programmes provided are rapidly growing and they require constant funding.
Some of the winnings would go towards new equipment for the after-school care programme as well as a few bigger purchases.
“We do a lot of holiday programmes so those bouncy castle things, we often hire them ourselves. So we’re looking at maybe purchasing a couple of those – then if we’re not using them, we can offer them out for another thing we can hire out,” Van de Worp said.
The community house is currently located down a long driveway, on Church Road.
“The after-school care is in a great place but the community house probably needs to be on a bit more of a street level. So we might be looking at finding a community house that is street-based so we can get a bit more traffic,” Van de Worp said.
The Pukete Neighbourhood House has been operating for 28 years and is rated one of the most successful community houses in the Waikato.
The current services and programmes they offer include a holiday programme and a before-and-after school care service for schools in the area.
For the past 15 years the house has been running a vegetable co-op, selling boxes of assorted fruit and vegetables as well as meat packs.
A family support worker, Craig Wills helps out the community with Winz, Housing NZ and ACC issues, as well as being a justice of the peace.