Fieldays bus makes travel easy
Fieldays ticket holders can travel for free to and from Fieldays at Mystery Creek to help ease traffic congestion.
Free buses to Fieldays were packed early on Wednesday morning as visitors took the chance to avoid traffic queues.
To help ease the traffic congestion Waikato Regional Council has been offering free bus rides to and from the Mystery Creek event for Fieldays ticket holders.
GoBus Waikato regional general manager Glenn McLeod said the types of people who catch the buses out to Fieldays are “normally townies – but there is all walks of life.”
Wednesday morning’s bus was packed with farmers and townies enjoying the free service – some sitting and some just squeezing in by standing in the aisle.
Mcleod said this year Fieldays has laid on a designated bus lane to get through the slow traffic. The bus service drops off passengers at the main gate, which means no trudging from the car park.

Hamilton resident Lynda Brosnan caught a bus from outside her residence to the transport centre to connect with the Fieldays bus.
She chose this bus for its convenience and “so the car doesn’t get stuck in the mud,” she laughed.
Brosnan took the day off work to attend the event for the first time, where she was looking forward to meeting up with a friend.
Chantelle Pumfleet from Hamilton is set to catch the bus every day. She is working at Fieldays this year so she used her Busit ticket to head to work.
“I don’t drive so the best option was to catch the bus,” Pumfleet said.
Another Hamilton bus user, Italia Lesa, who is working at Donut Express at the event, caught the bus to work.
She normally drives but said she preferred to save on petrol costs by taking the bus