Keeping it classy at Fieldays
Annah Stretton’s site wins Best Rural Living Area award

Flowers and bays of elegant dresses set Annah Stretton’s site apart from the majority of agricultural-related Fieldays exhibitors.
The difference in visual display saw the site win Fieldays’ Best Rural Living Area award.
Annah Stretton Auckland manager Belinda Sherriff said when setting up they kept in mind it would be rated by mystery shoppers.
“People stop all the time and tell us how amazing it looks and even other store holders come in and say how beautiful it is,” Sherriff said.
Despite the good feedback from customers, Sherriff said she did not expect the store to be rated as a top rural living area site, but the whole company is stoked with the result.
“It’s awesome. The whole company is really happy, because we did a really good job.”
Annah Stretton stylist Tammy Lee said she knew their site was a potential winner.
“I wasn’t surprised. It is so beautiful and I think there’s something to set [it] apart from the rest of the Fieldays, you know.”
One of the customers and an exhibitor Cathy Colleman thought the store looked nice and elegant with the flowers.
“It’s really hard to create something that is different and stands out. In this limited space you can only do so much.”