Magical day at the Extravaganza Fair
The show goes on at Hamilton’s Claudelands Park, and the family circus is drawing the curious.
When the Extravaganza Fair began on Saturday morning, Claudelands Park was surrounded by a mysterious summer fog and there was a hush around the community.
The travellers were putting the final touches on their stalls and whispering to each other about the big day ahead. At 9.30, Ivan de G got on stage and livened things up with some easy-going folk tunes.
Almost immediately the sun started to show, lifting the fog to reveal a clear blue sky and inviting the people of Hamilton to come out for a look. They arrived to delicious smelling food, laid back beats and entertainment. This is when the magic began.

The Ashton Family Circus is one of the main attractions at the fair. When the announcement was made over the loudspeaker that the act was due to begin, children came running to the stage to see what all the fuss was about.
“You know you’re on the right path when people come back again and again,” the circus clown and Ashton family dad Royce says. The Circus acts are performed twice a day over the weekend and involve everything from pretend lions to pole dancing.
Ashton goes on to suggest his wife Anna and daughter Dylan are the stars of the show, but the crowd were receptive to the whole family including young sons Dallas and Jaz. He might have a point with Dylan though, who later wowed the crowd for a second time with her magic show.

after meals from Dickinson’s
“The little girl doing her magic show, she was really good, very clever.” Hamilon man Greg Wesson says.
He has not long arrived at the fair with his wife Karen Carlson and daughter Alix. They have just finished eating meals from Dickinson’s Gastronomic Emporium.
“I had a burger, it was so good,” Wintec student Alix says. Greg and Karen echo her sentiments about their BLT croissants.
The family came to the fair because of their hunger, but are now looking forward to getting Alix’s fortune told later in the day.
“We’re going to stay for a while because it’s just a nice, fun family atmosphere going on here,” Karen explains.
The Extravaganza Fair is on again on Sunday at the same time and place. See earlier story.