Kiwifruit skins and Suzukis
Molly nearly runs Zac over, and Lily eats kiwifruit skins.

Molly nearly runs Zac over, and Lily eats kiwifruit skins. Welcome to another episode of the Bachelor NZ!
Cat rescuer Bel finally gets her one on one date at Villa Maria winery, Auckland.
They do blind wine taste testing, Zac mistakes a rose for a pinot gris, and Bel nails every one. As if we didn’t respect her enough already.
They are stepping on grapes in their bare feet and I know this is a thing but it makes me squirm. Nobody wants toe jams in their wine and I feel like Zac would have hairy feet.
They talk about rescue animals, pilots and she gets a rose, sparks are flying and there’s no kiss…
I’m more disappointed than Bel. There were lanterns in the trees and it just felt right.
Claudia’s theory to stay positive is to pretend that they’re not all dating the same guy. I guess ignorance is bliss, but the whole point of the show is that they’re all dating the same guy.
The group date instils a new fear into the girls, every week someone from the group date goes home. It’s known as the GDC (Group Date Curse).
They head off to a four wheel drive course, with help from Suzuki Vitara.
Dom gives us a lovely wee spiel about all the advantages of this car but I stopped listening.
One girl acts as navigator, while the other drives. Zac is standing on the course while Molly drives. He’s a braver man than me. Molly doesn’t give off road safe vibes.
Lily and Nina are next. Lily is ruthless as hell, throwing Shakas out the window and kinda staying on the road. Nina laughs but she also looks a little terrified.
Sophie floors it, and Zac’s life flies in front of his eyes. I’m not sure if this challenge was for Zac’s entertainment, or for us all to know about how great the Suzuki Vitara is.
Sophie wins the one on one date, which is a picnic in the forest – it’s very Pinterest.
Sophie talks about her crystals, after her mum told her not to talk about them, Zac smiles but his eyes are dead.
Molly is worried about being sent home, but it’s her birthday and only a monster would send her home today.
She talks about how she just wants to make people happy and I feel like she has a pure soul.
Zac steals away Lily from the cocktail party. They haven’t even started talking yet and I’m excited.
Lily lifts up her skirt to reveal that she wrote important questions on her leg to ask Zac.
We find out he doesn’t eat the skin on his kiwifruit and Lily looks ready to walk away; he needs to “evaluate his priorities.”
I like Lily, but I’m with Zac on this one. The skins are hairy, and remind me of eating human skin.
She also told the girls if they interrupted her she’d put them in the ground. You’ve got to respect the girl.
Sophie falls victim to the group date curse, and is sent home to whispers of it’s the GDC, the GDC.
Fear haunts the bachelorette mansion.
- See earlier review