A 14-year-old takes flight as Balloons Over Waikato lifts off

One young teenager was taking the trip of her lifetime when the balloons got flying in Hamilton this morning.

It was no surprise that hundreds of children flocked to Hamilton’s Lake Domain to watch hot air balloons of all shapes and colours take flight this morning. One youngster, however, preferred to be flying at Balloons Over Waikato this year rather than watching from the ground.

Natalie Garcia-Gil, 14, has been going to the hot air balloon festival for as long as she can remember and has always wanted to be able to get involved. Last year she made an effort to stay behind at the end of the event to help out.

Natalie Garcia-Gil (centre) pictured with crew and Neil Aberhart (right).

“I’ve been coming to the festival since I was only 2, and last year I decided to hang around and help them pack the balloons down,” says Natalie.

Her efforts didn’t go unnoticed, and scored her an opportunity to learn how to fly. For a year now she’s been taught by Te Awamutu man Neil Aberhart, crew chief and owner of a balloon called Sweet Pea. Aberhart has been coming to the festival for around 15 years, and is now encouraging younger generations to get involved in the sport.

Natalie Garcia-Gil on Sweet Pea moments before ascension.

“I don’t bother flying here any more, I’d prefer to let the younger ones fly and give them the opportunities. I also taught my granddaughter how to fly as well,” says Aberhart.

This year Natalie was allowed to assist-pilot on Sweet Pea at the festival. All ready to take flight, she was thrilled to be flying at Balloons over Waikato for the first time.

“I really enjoy flying, this is my first year here and I’m really excited,” said Natalie.

Sweet Pea taken to the skies