Farmers making a Smart Move at Fieldays
Smart Move are back at Fieldays with two new innovations aimed at improving health and safety on the farm.

A New Zealand company finding success with their loading and clamping systems has returned to Fieldays Innovation Centre with two new products
Founder Daryn Murray has brought Smart Move back to the National Fieldays, having last been four years ago. Smart Move has two products up for contention in the Innovation Awards with two of their Quick Smart Drum Clamps, for chemical drums and the other for barrels.
“We came to the Fieldays four years ago with the trolley and Farmlands liked the idea of it and wanted to develop different products for their stores.” Murray said.
“Since then we’ve just grown.”
From that contract, Smart Move have been able to develop various different products to improve efficiency and health and safety in the workplace. Among their products are quick clamp loading systems as well as a drum tipping system and various improvements on their original drum designs.
Murray knows the improvements New Zealand needs in the workplace having grown up in the shearing industry. He has seen that a system needs to be easy to use or people won’t use it.

“If you don’t make it quick for staff, then the staff won’t use it… you need to work smarter not harder.” Murray said.
Murray believes that it is important to make a quality product that the consumer will appreciate made from something they know.
“Most of our material come from New Zealand except the trolley wheels, no one makes them here. It makes it a bit dearer but I like to support local businesses and it gives it that New Zealand grade quality.”
To see how their products work visit their YouTube channel.
– For more information visit their website