SPARK Festival turns 20
The Creative Director of SPARK Festival Megan Lyon gives a little insight into what to expect at this year’s 20th anniversary festival.
The Spark Festival celebrated its 20th birthday this year and Festival Director Megan Lyon, said it was growing in popularity’
“This anniversary year Spark has come a long way,” she said.
The festival was it started in 1998 and named after a sparkly artwork.
As the audience keeps rising so does the number of speakers which has doubled to about 22 presenters.
Lyon and her team keep the week interesting by choosing speakers with a wide creative mixture of skills and experience.
For example, the Melbourne-based creative director Emily Woollet, the New York-based writer Sara Radin, and the orange Kombi-driving photographer Justin Naylor.
Every one had a great story to tell with insights into their lives and careers.
Students have free access to everything – the morning presentations, the afternoon workshops and the events in the city at nights as well.
Lyon said she was excited to give the students and everyone who has interest in music, the arts, and design an opportunity to listen and work with these creative people from all over the world.

Photo: Julian Louis
It is Lyon’s 4th festival and she is still on it with a lot of enthusiasm.
She first attend SPARK as a guest having just returned to Hamilton after here studies and looking for inspiration.
And it provided just that.
Her visit changed her mood immediately and also gave her the chance to gain a foothold in this inspiring world.
The festival takes place at the Wintec campus..