Uplifting the world: one circle at a time

The ancient art of gathering in a circle is a foreign concept. Its popularity has risen in recent years, bringing Hamilton women’s group Seasons & Circles to life.

An example of a women’s circle spread. (Photo: Delaney Newton)

Breaking moulds of competition and embracing vulnerability are just two of the factors involved in developing a sense of belonging within a women’s circle.

A women’s circle is essentially a safe space where women of all ages can come to share their life stories and express their full emotions.

The purpose of the group stems back to a sacred form of interaction, used by a realm of different cultures. Gathering in circles has been an action present for centuries. They have been used to pass down wisdom, reconnect and replenish.

Today, they provide an opportunity for women who would like to honour those same values and delve into a pool of positive energy.

I sat down with Jess Newton, a local who found out about the Hamilton Women’s Circle through a friend. “We would just have random meetings. When that stopped, a proper group was formed”. Seasons & Circles is Hamilton’s sector.

It is one of over 100 countries in participation, which makes it a part of an even larger, global sisterhood.

The Hamilton sector likes to begin each session with guided meditation and surround themselves with a spread of fresh flowers and a mandala. These activities, which usually aren’t connected to any particular movement or religion, act as a peaceful kick-starter for a meeting of trust and empowerment.

Information shared during the session stays between the women in attendance. Jess says that during their women’s circle meetings, everyone has the opportunity to be witnessed and heard.

The sessions, which offer time replenish and connect with those alike, are open to the public.

“There’s usually around 10 of us, but it ranges on who can make it,” says Jess, who believes that the group is crucial during a time where competitiveness among women is at an all-time high.

Having smaller attendance allows for a more intimate environment, without the intimidation of a larger number of people.

The safe space encourages women to be themselves and guide each other, which creates a collective power in giving and receiving support. Since such support is often lost in today’s society, bringing people together with like-minded thinking creates a strong foundation for new relationships.

Today, there is a newfound passion for relearning the sacred art of gathering. The circles, which are generally not connected to any particular religion/movement can begin with a spread of flowers and a mandala.

Guided meditation is also common; however, each session revolves around a new topic. Redefining beauty, forgiveness, and psychic readings are just a few of the many focuses that are run through each circle meeting.

The line between work and personal life can often be blurred, making it feel hectic and overwhelming at times. Groups such as Women’s Circles aim to ease that stress and become a time to restore and heal.

Jess believes Seasons & Circles and other collectives alike are important for Hamilton.

There is a sense of community that is acquired from a group of people supporting each other. The therapeutic nature of the activities/ sharing that takes place during the circle aims to leave women feeling recharged, elevated and inspired.