Enticing the unsure.

The Government is adding incentives to get to its 90 per cent vaccination target.
Super Saturday and the ‘Vax-a-thon’ is the Government’s “national day of action” tomorrow and clinics will be open throughout the day and into the evening.
Pop-up vaccination sites, drive throughs, prizes, music, and free food are on offer to encourage Waikato residences to turn up and get the jab.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says higher vaccination rates is the next level the country has to achieve in order to get back to level one and to enjoy the freedoms that come along with it.
Within the Waikato, 77% of the population have had their first dose, with 55% having had their second dose.
The Waikato District Health Board says there will be 65 sites open in the region and bookings are not required.
Anyone aged over 12 who hasn’t been vaccinated yet or had their first vaccination at least three weeks ago can drop in and get vaccinated on the spot.
Waikato COVID-19 vaccination programme lead Maree Munro said Super Saturday in the Waikato was also aimed at people who were unsure about being vaccinated. Each site would have health experts on hand to answer questions.
“If you still have questions, come down and have a chat,” she said. “There’ll be no hard sell, just plenty of answers so you have the accurate information you need to make up your own mind.”
To find out where to get vaccinated, go to www.waikatodhb.health.nz/supersaturday