Third Round RSP Application Started Today

The New Zealand Government continues its
financial support to businesses by opening the third round RSP application this
The Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) scheme
offers a core per business rate of $1,500 plus $400 per employee, a maximum
payment equivalent to $21,500 for businesses up to 50 full-time employees.
Businesses with more than 50 full-time
equivalents can still apply for the Resurgence Support Payment, but the
financial funding will not exceed the $21,500 maximum payment.
“The RSP helps businesses with their fixed costs, such as rent. It provides cashflow to businesses and supports them to pay their bills while the country is at Alert Level 2 or above,”
Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson.
The offered financial scheme will continue until entire New Zealand returns to Alert Level 1 for one month. Robinson said “The payment was originally created as a one-off payment but last month the Government decided to make it a three-weekly payment in recognition of the pressure on many businesses.
The government paid out $947 million through
the previous RSP scheme with a $3.9 billion Wage Subsidy to support New Zealand
businesses and employees since the outbreak of Covid19.
“The payment and eligibility criteria to qualify for the RSP remain the same as the previous two payments, including that those applying must experience at least a 30 percent decline in revenue over seven days as a result of being at Alert Level 2 or higher.”
Associate Minister David Parker.