Event: The Bookshop Detectives Live!
When: August 22 2024
Hosts: Gareth Ward & Louise Ward – Poppies Hamilton
Funders: Penguin Books

Poppies bookstore opened its doors last Thursday for an intimate evening of crime.

On hand to welcome guests were Gareth and Louise Ward, authors of the current No.1 bestseller ‘The Bookshop Detectives: Dead Girl Gone’, and their rescue pooch Stevie.

The cozy bookshop, tucked away on Casabella Lane, filled up with warm chatter and curiosity as 50 would-be sleuths assembled in anticipation for the Bookshop Detectives Live event, held as part of Hamilton Book Month

The evening started with mingling over platters of cheese, meat, fruit and dips, and a choice of refreshing beverages. The authors also signed books, delighting buyers with casual conversations.

After everyone was acquainted and accounted for, the mystery event began. The room went quiet as Gareth revealed there were nine Cluedo-like cards to be found spread across the bookshop.

People began to look inside books, on bookshelves, under tables, on top of tables, hurrying to find the clues first. Those who found the mystery cards were instructed to solve the clues over the course of the evening.

The crowd responded warmly to the friendly encounter, which alongside detective work, offered question and answer opportunities with the authors.

As curious cats tried to uncover riddles placed around the bookshop, groups of new acquaintances began passing clues between each other, attempting to crack the codes.

One clue was found on a bookshelf nearby – a picture of scissors with a folded piece of paper attached. The question: Was blood found on the scissors? After a few missed opportunities, the answer was eventually sleuthed, cleverly disguised within the clue. I won’t give too much more away as Gareth and Louise continue their tour of The Bookshop Detectives Live!

As the evening came to an end, Louise delighted guests with a chapter reading from the book. She acknowledged the bookshop group by referencing some of the inspiration for characters in the book “There are all sorts of eccentricities that you find in people who hang out in a bookshop, their personalities seep into the fabric of your bookshop and make in what it is”

Overall, the bookstore was buzzing with community spirit in an atmosphere of connection and good cheer. Participants enjoyed a night of mystery and fictitious fun as well as getting to know a little bit about the authors.

The Bookshop Detectives; Dead Girl Gone is available nationwide