With just days left, only six per cent of electors on the roll have voted in Hamilton city council’s Maaori Ward by-election.

The low vote rate prompted council Governance Lead, Amy Viggers to issue voters a reminder.

“We’re doing the best we can on a very lean budget to create awareness,” said Katy Ritchie, HCC’s Senior Communication and Engagement Advisor.

The council has alerted media outlets, shared business cards and posters, run YouTube and Google ads, and met with local Iwi.

“We’re doing all of the above as much as we can, and working with our contacts to make sure everybody is aware that it’s the final days.”

The most recent election in the city, Hamilton East Ward by-election in February, attracted just over 20 per cent of voters.

Voting in the Maaori Ward by-election, which has attracted eight kaitono, or candidates, closes next Wednesday.

“It’s so easy to vote. You simply need to rank and return – rank the candidates and return your voting paper,” said Viggers. 

Ballot boxes are in place in at least  20 locations across the city and the council’s website offers and  online tool  with information.  

Current Maaori Ward councillor Moko Tauariki encourages voters to participate Credit/Hamilton City Council