Volunteer finds purpose after life took a turn

When Nicola Amos lost her husband six years ago, she stepped off the career path and found purpose through volunteer work in the community. Now she is a trustee for Volunteering Waikato and a team leader at Dress for Success. Nicola shared her journey with Wintec’s Isabella Root. 

Amos, who is originally from the UK, studied and practiced as an oncology nurse. After emigrating to Australia her career developed and she found herself in leadership positions within the pharmaceutical industry doing clinical research. 

Around six years ago she faced the loss of her beloved husband. Amos said this reframed her view on where she wanted to spend the rest of her life and put her efforts.

From her time working in oncology in the health care sector, Amos had already become familiar with the value of volunteer work. She said she was in a fortunate position where she had the option not to do paid work, and decided to follow a career she thought would be fulfilling.

Nicola Amos has been busy in the volunteer sector since moving to New Zealand Photo supplied

“You sort of have to rethink your purpose, and so I thought doing something like this gives you real purpose.” Amos explains. 

Initially she heard of Dress for Success in Australia when she was in search of a place to donate her corporate clothing. 

After moving to New Zealand in 2022 to “have a bit of an adventure” she wound up joining the board at Waikato Volunteering alongside taking on the role of team leader for DFS Hamilton. 

At Dress for Success, Amos has been empowering women through stylist and career work for the past two years and feels positive about her change in path. She said “I firmly believe in order to create opportunity you have to change something, sometimes you don’t know what it is you need to change, but just make a change.”

Through volunteering, Amos said she has gained a variety of life skills, including flexibility and the ability to learn from her coworkers. She emphasizes the importance of supporting a cause that you feel a sense of passion for. For Amos this is helping women to feel confident when re-entering the work force, seeking financial independence and even supporting their own families.

“Women still do not have that equity and equality in the work place and so to feel like you can make a contribution to that is really good.” 

Amos adds “You don’t know when it could be you, you should never take anything for granted, we see women from all walks of life.”

After enduring such a life altering loss, Amos’ choice is an example of the value of taking a purposeful leap in a new direction. For some this might mean booking a Dress for Success consultation to seek empowerment through life skills and clothing, for others this could mean picking up some volunteer work to support a cause aligned with their values.