Fieldays crowd treated to sounds of South America

The rural audience was serenaded with Equadorian music while shopping for hand-crafted goods this year.

The rural audience was serenaded with Ecuadorian  music while shopping for hand-crafted goods this year.

Pan flute player Alberto Tuquerrze played music as shoppers browsed items from Otavalo, Ecuador.

Alberto Tuquerrze performs for passers-by. Photo: Tim Carter

Stall owner Ngawai Matthews says you can feel the passion in the music.

“I love the warmth of the music. The wood hasn’t got that hard cold sound.”

The flutes are made from a range of traditional native materials such as bamboo.

Matthews’ favorite is the stone flute.

“It has that deep stone sound. The larger the flute, the deeper the sound. The smaller the flute, the higher the pitch,” says Matthews.