Something from out of space

Is it from space? Or is it spraying equipment?


Something from out of space looms amongst the tractors and other farm equipment.

On first sight it appears that aliens have landed at the Fieldays but never fear, it is just the Atom 2000 sprayer from R&R Tractors.

SPACE BUGGY: The atom  2000 sprayer looks like it's out of this world. Photo: Jade Laan
SPACE BUGGY: The atom 2000 sprayer looks like it’s out of this world. Photo: Jade Laan

This piece of equipment is used by those primarily in the horticulture industry. It is self-propelled and users sit inside the air conditioned machine.

It is used to spray orchids and is popular with those in the horticultural industry who enquire about the product before following up after the Fieldays.

The model also comes in a tow-along version which is attached to a tractor. Those riding on the tractor up front must wear a helmet which furthers the space age image.

Workshop manager for R&R tractors, Rodger Hodgson, has said that “everyone calls it the space helmet.”

This protects those using the sprayer from chemicals.

The product can be purchased for $147,000.