Nelson brings the sunshine

Students from Nelson arrive to Hamilton. They enjoy the beginning of the regatta with mothers in tow.

When you first enter the tent for the rowers of Nelson Boys and Nelson Girls colleges you will find mothers busily preparing food.

A little further in and the fun begins.

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FLYING THE FLAG: Nelson students have set up camp for the week. Photographer: Charlie Scott

Students from the sunniest city in the country sit and joke away from school for a week on an adventure of travel and rowing.

Kayla Baker and Maaika Van Eeden found out 3 weeks ago they were to come to the regatta and the planning started.

“It’s a really small club. They try every possible [rower] combination and then they deliberate.”

Devon Davis’ parents were a little annoyed when they found out he was chosen to row just a week before he was to leave.

Then the trip up was not without minor hitches. Baker took the fairy across the Cook Straight and was sick all the way. Van Eeden came by plane and insisted on a window seat with a fear of flying.

But for the students it was all worth it. They cherish spotting rowing celebrities and personal heroes.

Davis won his race and achieved a half second improvement on his personal best after a sighting of current Olympic champion and five-time world champion in the single skulls, Mahe Drysdale, inspired him.

“I’ve been trying really hard to get into the single. It helped boost my confidence.”

In their hotel across the road from the airport the amusement continues. The pool lending itself to a water sport of a different kind – bombing.

All the while mothers bake, shop and chop. Watching over the students and supporting them when needed – a mothers work is never done.