Matariki’s impact on local community

Marylin Cook’s outlook on Matariki and its impact on early childhood teaching.

Documentary of Marylin Cook created by Taylor Smith.

As a Kiwi, I feel Matariki is a growing influencer in our  national culture and identity. Matariki is the celebration of the Māori  new year through the revelation of the seven,  or some say nine starred constellation.

Matariki is about embracing Māori culture, and I feel the celebration of Matariki needs to, and is becoming more visible, in society, as is a part of who we are.

Stars were what guided the first waka to Aotearoa and dictated many aspects of life such as planting, food gathering, and celebrations.The rising of the Matariki stars mark the start of the Māori new year according to ancient traditions, as it marks the start of the crop season. The brighter the stars of Matariki, the better the  indications of a warm season, and therefore a successful crop.
Child Educator Marylin Cook explains that through the book The Stolen Stars of Matariki,  children at the Active Education Learning Centre in Hamilton are able to celebrate Matariki. Cook says that, through the illustrations of the book, her children are able to understand the history and future of Matariki. The children have created a drama piece reenacting the book to act to whānau and staff.