The importance of Matariki within ECE

Early childhood teacher Olivia Paley discusses the importance of Matariki and how she incorporates Matariki in her curriculum.

Olivia, a mother of three, has worked within the early childhood education system for 10 years, from babies to toddlers, her experience runs vast. Currently, she is working full time in Te Rapa.

Olivia actively celebrates Matariki annually at her centre, as well as incorporating Māori culture and practices into everyday life.

Olivia says Matariki  emphasises the importance of coming together with family and friends and sharing within our community, which she actively teaches and models to the children every day.

“It’s about coming together with whānau and sharing what you’ve grown in the garden throughout the year.”

Olivia  takes pride in guiding the children in an exploration of Matariki and teaches them the history of the celebration in an inviting way through hands-on interactions and activities.

Olivia  recently attended a professional development course for all  teachers of the centre to further enhance their understandings of Matariki and its’ importance, so they can share this information with the children at the centre and educate them further.

Overall, Olivia’s passion for early childhood education has helped develop her knowledge surrounding Matariki and Māori culture which she demonstrates daily both in the centre and beyond.