Candidates react to extension of by-election date

Hamilton City Council has postponed the city’s current by-election for a vacant East-ward seat, following three-day nationwide lockdown.

Hamilton City Council closes its doors following nationwide lockdown. Image: Hamilton City Council.

Hamilton City Council announced last night, its decision to extend the city’s current by-election for a vacant East-ward seat by a week until next Wednesday, August 25, following the New Zealand Government’s announcement of a three-day nationwide lockdown due to covid-19. 

This follows the closure of all Hamilton City Libraries, Waterworld, the Gallagher Aquatic Centre, Hamilton Zoo, Waikato Museum, ArtsPost and the Hamilton i-SITE.

“In order to enable a fair democratic process and allow all voting papers to be collected from ballot boxes across the city and from those who intended to drop off their votes or do a special vote tomorrow, we need to extend the voting period,” said Hamilton’s City Council governance manager, Becca Brooke.

Voting was set to close at noon, today, August 18, with the successful candidate to be announced this afternoon. Mail-in votes had been closed since August 12, to allow due time to process. This setback, however, allows the opportunity for candidates to have further time to campaign via their social media platforms.

“If you have not voted, lockdown is a good time to read the candidate profiles and pop your papers into the envelope. A drop off point for these votes will be arranged,” wrote candidate Anna Smart, via her campaign election page.

Smart added, “Stay safe out there, and take care of each other.”

At the time of publication, several other candidates had responded to the lockdown via social media.

Ada Xiao wrote about the importance of encouraging vaccines, Donna Pokere-Phillips shared a link to Māori conversations, with the hashtag #ProtectourWhakapapa. Emma Pike commented, “It is tough on us all, but we have gotten through it together before. Let’s continue to be strong and be kind to one another. Stay safe Hamilton!” 

Horiana Henderson, Mark Donovan, Naomi Pocock, and Anna Casey-Cox all shared messages encouraging the community to stay safe.

“Lockdown can be straining on one’s mental health, being kind can remove that person’s burden weighing heavily on their mind and your energy and love could save someone’s life.” Lisa Lewis said, while also thanking New Zealand’s front-line workers. 

Candidate Kat Waswo had been travelling to a prior engagement in Wellington. “Got off the plane in Wellington yesterday at Level 1, arrived at my destination going into Level 4,” she wrote. “Please be kind, wear your masks if you have to leave the house, and please don’t be greedy at the supermarkets.” 

On the topic of panic buying, candidate Riki Manarangi shared a photo of Pak n Save shoppers, with the caption, “If this is you right now…You can keep your vote, I don’t want it.”

Image source: Riki Manarangi/Facebook.

“When the Government announces it is safe to exit Alert Level 4, we will organise an appropriate option for voters to return their voting pack or complete a special vote,” said Brooke, around the circumstances for residents still yet to cast their vote.

The council has yet to announce whether or not it will further post-pone the election, if the lockdown period is extended. For more up to date information around the election, visit: