Sam plans another rap attack
Sam Tucker attempts to break the world record for the longest freestyle rap.

Waikato artist Sam Tucker is planning a second assault on the world record for delivering rap music.
The 26-year-old digital marketing agent from Hamilton whose stage name is Sense Offence fell short last November when he stopped after 22 hours – now he wants another crack at the 33 hour 33 minute 19 second mark set by American Watsky in 2020. The record is acknowledged by the Guinness Book of records.
Tucker’s effort set a New Zealand record and raised $4000 for four charities, Mental Health Foundation of NZ, Electronic Frontier Foundation, HUHA (Helping You Help Animales) and Oxfam.
“it wasn’t running out of things to rhyme about, it was purely not being able to stay awake that long”
Tucker started this challenge at 8 am and finished the following morning at 6 am, he says sleep deprivation is what affected him the most. This challenge was live streamed on twitch with a few hundred people watching. Every hour he was allowed to take a five minute break for a quick drink, nibble and of course a toilet break.
Despite barely being able to talk for a week, and not wanting to rap for a month after, Tucker is planning on doing it again but with more training. Before the attempt he says he didn’t train much, but he would wake up at midnight and start rapping because he wanted to practice while feeling tired.
However, he could have prepared more when sleep deprivation kicked in, and that is what he will focus on next time. Depending on how long this will take, Tucker may attempt to break the record again in a year’s time.
Meanwhile Tucker is still working on songs behind the scenes and is waiting to come back with vengeance by bringing out a small album sometime soon with 3-5 songs, but who could blame him for having a well deserved break after this massive effort.